Clinical description
The Respirology service at Royal Inland Hospital has 3 full time respirologists who staff a daytime consultative service. Typically we see patients with COPD, asthma, interstitial lung disease, lung cancer, atypical lung infections and sleep disordered breathing. All consultants have busy office practices where new referrals from the community are seen and followed up. Royal Inland Hospital has a fully functional pulmonary function testing laboratory with facilities to do full pulmonary function tests including dynamic and static lung volumes, carbon monoxide diffusion capacity, inspiratory and expiratory mouth pressures, methacholine challenge and exercise test for suspected exercise induced asthma. Every pulmonary function test is interpreted by a Respirologist. The home oxygen assessment program for the region is managed by a respiratory therapist. Approximately 4-5 fibreoptic bronchoscopies are done every week mostly for diagnostic purposes. Therapeutic bronchoscopies are also done frequently in ICU patients.
Trainee expectations
Trainees have opportunity, based on level of experience, to
See Respiratory consults and follow up patients in hospital and office settings.
Learn basic interpretation of lung function tests.
Learn about indications of bronchoscopy and observe bronchoscopic techniques such as bronchial biopsies, bronchial brushing and bronchial washing.
Learn the principles of home oxygen assessment
After hours and weekend call is negotiable.
Respirologist & General Internist
Dr. Ramesh Varma MD FRCP(Edinburgh)
Respirologist & General Internist
Dr. Jaspreet Kambo